About KLE
Our Story
We are dedicated to helping both plaintiff and defense legal firms determine the appropriate future medical and non-medical needs for the critically injured or chronically ill. Our staff has worked in the American medical system and have the expertise and skills to examine medical records, review cases for standards of care, and calculate future medical care and associated costs.
SERVING California | Oregon | Washington
We are headquartered in Northern California. Our founder and lead Nurse Life Care Planner is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) and also a licensed Registered Nurse in both California and Oregon.
We can help with:
- determining future medical costs
- preparing life care plans
- reviewing past medical bills
- reviewing for standards of care
Kelly Ehrhardt BSN, RN, CLCP, LCP-C is the Founder and Principal Nurse Life Care Planner of KLE Nurse Consultants, LLC. Kelly is a professional Baccalaureate prepared Registered Nurse with nearly 10 years of clinical experience in Medical Surgical Nursing and as a Charge Nurse. Prior to cultivating a profession in Healthcare, Kelly had over a decade of experience in the legal field where she provided legal assistance to Attorneys. She is a certified Nurse Life Care Planner and Nurse Case Manager. Kelly’s extensive background and expertise positions her as a qualified Nurse Life Care Planner for catastrophic and non-catastrophic cases.
Kelly has managed sizable cases, and conducted numerous reviews of medical records in addition to determining future medical costs for injured persons. She thrives on providing thorough research and information with precision on each case.
As the Principal Nurse Life Care Planner of KLE Nurse Consultants Kelly directs, oversees, and provides service to Plaintiff and Defense Personal Injury Attorneys in the areas of Nurse Life Care Planning, Case Management, Medical Bill Review and Medical Cost Projections.
Kelly is an active member and affiliate of several professional organizations including AANLCP, AALNC, IARP, CMSA, ANA, SFTLA and AMSN.

Kellie Geanuracos BSN, RN, CLNC, MSCC has tremendous experience working in hospitals and the insurance industry. After working in performance and risk management, she decided to lend her vast experience in nursing to the legal community. Kellie’s background includes operating room, case management, geriatric care and cardiology. Kellie is highly skilled at analyzing medical records and audit trails as well as educating the challenges of medical documentation and standards of care. Kellie has over 15 years of nursing experience and is ready to manage your case needs.
Kellie provides service to Planitiff and Defense Attorney in the areas of Medical Record Review, Case Merit Screening and Emergency Medical Record (EMR) Audit Trail Analysis

Types of Cases
Contact us today to discuss any current or future cases involving catastrophic or non-catastrophic injuries.
- Amputations
- Chronic Pain
- Cerebral Palsy
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- and more